Ao Ashi

Ao Ashi is a captivating sports manga that centers around Ashito Aoi, a third-year middle school student from a quiet rural town in Ehime. Known for his unpredictable and self-centered style on the football field, Ashito’s talent is undeniable, though it often leads to trouble. His remarkable skills drive his junior high school team to success in a high school preliminary tournament, but his impulsive nature becomes his downfall when he loses his temper, resulting in his removal from the game. Without their star player, the team is swiftly eliminated, leaving Ashito disheartened and at a crossroads.

Just as his dreams seem out of reach, Ashito is approached by Tatsuya Fukuda, the youth team coach of J1 club Tokyo City Esperion. Recognizing Ashito’s raw potential, Fukuda invites him to Tokyo for tryouts, offering a glimmer of hope and a path to a professional football career. In this new and competitive environment, Ashito must overcome his past setbacks and harness his abilities to prove his worth, setting the stage for a transformative journey that could change the landscape of Japanese football. *Ao Ashi* is a story of determination, growth, and the relentless pursuit of one’s dreams.